Best Poster AwardBest poster award at BioCAS 2019 for work on a “Bio-Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Measurement System for Wearable Devices”


NIH Trailblazer AwardNational Institutes of Health award given to new investigators to pursue high-impact, high-reward research that integrates engineering with the life sciences.


NSF CAREER AwardNational Science Foundation program designed to support junior faculty in their dual roles as teacher-scholars. CAREER Awards provide recipients the opportunity to enhance their professional career development, better integrate their research and education responsibilities, and build academic leadership abilities


ECE Undergraduate Teaching AwardUndergraduate teaching award for ECE 102 based on student feedback and CAPE evaluations.


Hellman FellowNamed a 2014-2015 Hellman Fellow designed to provide financial support and encouragement to young faculty in the core disciplines who show capacity for great distinction in their research and creative activities


ISSCC ADI Outstanding Student Designer AwardAwarded for excellence in analog IC design with the potential for outstanding industrial contribution


ARCS FellowshipRecipient of the national Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship


1st place Stanford BASES Business Plan CompetitionWinner of the Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES) business plan competition on the nanoLAB


1st place in IEEE Change the World CompetitionWinner (Student Humanitarian Supreme) of the inaugural international competition for “nanoLAB: A Hand-Held Diagnostic Laboratory”


1st place in BME-IDEA Invention CompetitionWinner of the national bioengineering competition for “Lab-on-a-stick: A Hand-Held Diagnostic Laboratory”


1st place in Stanford EE 314 Design CompetitionGraduate level class competition for the design of a low-power RF CMOS power amplifier


1st place in Stanford EE 315 Design CompetitionGraduate-level class competition for the design of a low-power CMOS sample and hold, judged by Analog Devices


3rd place in Stanford EE 214 Design CompetitionGraduate level class competition for the design of a low-power CMOS amplifier


Tau Beta Pi FellowOne of 35 engineering students selected nationally, Fife No. 70


Phi Kappa Phi Award of ExcellenceSelected by the national chapter for outstanding academic achievement


1st place in IEEE Micromouse CompetitionWinner of the southwest regional (region 6) Micromouse competition


1st place in IEEE Student Paper ContestChosen for paper and presentation on robotics and optimal path-finding algorithms


1st place Senior Design CompetitionChosen for “Micromouse: Autonomous Navigation System” entry


Outstanding Senior Engineering Student of the YearAwarded by the department to the top graduating senior student annually