Main Page

From UCSD Circuits Wiki
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Welcome to the UCSD Circuits Wiki!

This wiki is designed such that students and advisors can actively post and share tips, tricks, and ideas that may help others in the circuits groups at UCSD. It is important that all students actively participate in growing the material on this wiki. If you encounter a difficult problem with CAD tools and manage to solve it, that should be posted here for other students to see, for example. If you are explaining a CAD flow, for example, it is ok to refer to directories in your text, but it is not ok to post the model files. If you are unsure if you have permission to post something, please ask your advisor.

Consult the User Guide for information on using the wiki software. This link includes tips on how to edit wiki pages.

Note: please avoid adding new pages to this (start) page unless the content you add does not fit within the context of the other existing pages.

Hall Group (BioEE)

Mercier Group (EEMS)
